On 7/4/17, Kev writes and I type...
I used to ignore the man I was choosing to be, and also ignored the man I was losing...
When you drift from yourself, it gets hard to find your way back to shore. I can remember feeling like I never knew who I was or who I was supposed to be anymore..I felt like a walking contradiction....I was becoming the guy who could swat down a fly while at the same time say I would never hurt a fly. My heart had a hole I could never seem to feel...
I wanted to reset my mind. I wanted to be a different human being because I didn't know me. I felt like I was screaming inside , but no one could hear me..I didn't understand back then what it was to truly be alive...I was so caught up in trying to find someone to love, but yet I couldn't seem to choose to love myself...
It's crazy to think how I was back then and where I am now as a person. That hole I could never seem to fill was created through my own distorted perception of self...we define ourselves through the way we view ourselves. The mirror we use to do that is only a burden when we allow the outside to define who we are inside. When we learn to look past what we think the rest of the world sees as us, we will always be beautiful...
It does not matter if the rest of the world thinks you're perfect when you learn to choose YOU. What I know today is that we are all created from the same fabric, Some of us are more rough around the edges than others are...some of us have scars or imperfections, but underneath we are all the same. We laugh, we cry, we live , we die. When we truly learn to love ourselves, we end up learning how to truly live by starting to live for others...Choose YOU...
Today's Positive Affirmation: I choose to see the beauty in every person by first recognizing the beauty in myself...
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