Saturday, July 29, 2017

Falling Towards The Sky

On 7/26/17 Kev writes, I type:

Someone told me recently that-"we can only grow from the ground up, and that we can't grow down..If that were the case we would all be spiritual masters and there would be no reason for us to be human." 
I couldn't have said it better myself. 
I was living in the shade for so long before now that I could never allow myself to grow...Sometimes we have to cut down the things that block us from the sun, and allow light to finally shine into our lives. In order to truly grow we have to be willing to pick the weeds from our souls...Our gardens can become overgrown with the burdens we face daily in our lives, and it's up to us to clear the way...
Standing on the horizon lines of endless possibility- I feel like I'm falling towards the sky, and there's no telling where I could go, or where my happiness will take me...There is no real destination only limitless potential in all of us...When we begin to live in the moment- we truly begin living life, and in doing so our actions change the world around us. When we can exist in the present without fear, we open up the possibility of an even greater state of realization and existence that transcends even death..I've been learning that sometimes falling is really growing...I've learned to catch my breath, and in return regain balance in my life...Resentment, fear, anger and pain can be like being held under water...We can choose to swim or drown in our own personal sorrow, but when we learn to breathe...we no longer end up needing to run from who we are. We exist.., and we create the boundaries and limits by which we create the world around us...

Today's Positive Affirmation: By living in the present moment all possibilities become reality, and I become the master of my own happiness...

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Life Support

On 7/8/17 Kev writes, I type:

We all need assurance in our lives. When you were a child, there was no greater sense of worth that you could feel that would take the place of having the support of those around you. Even when they did not fully agree with certain choices you made, but were able to find comfort in the fact that you were made you feel more confident in the way you carried yourself and lived your life. It is important for us to first be able to support our own decisions...we must be able to wholeheartedly believe in what we want for ourselves, and understand that no matter what the rest of the world might think...we ourselves can accept what we are choosing to do in our life.
Family to be is not just defined by immediate blood-related family. Family to me is defined by the people in our lives who offer the positive support that helps guide us towards a better existence. They are there to hold you accountable for your actions, but never there to try and control the person you aim to be..their support should be guided by love. No one should ever want to pull the plug on your life support if you are truly fighting for something, or believe that what you're doing is good for your own life.
I will always be here to offer those I love unconditional support by being there for them through any situation..but I will never offer support to someone I love if I believe that what they are doing will be a negative force in helping them achieve the best life possible for themselves..we all need the right life support to keep breathing that next breath, and to keep putting one foot in front of the other even when the world fights against us...

Today's Positive Affirmation: I will continue to fight for those who fight for me, and give my heart to those who truly know what it means to love and be loved bck.

The Yin and Yang of Selfishness and Selflessness

On 7/7/17 Kev writes, I type:

I believe it's necessary for there to be a balance of selfishness and selflessness in our lives. It is vital for me to be selfish about my own personal recovery because unless I am able to be the best person I can be, I will be useless to those around me. This type of selfishness allows me to be a more selfless person in the long run...when I'm able to feel true contentment within myself, I'm able to better understand how I can be of use to others in a positive light.
In active addiction my selfishness was one of my greatest burdens not only on my family and loved ones but on myself as well. I was completely self-involved with a negative force that left me spiritually bankrupt, and caused me to lose sight of what it truly is to live. If you really think about life..everything we achieve and do positive in our lives really provides some type of service or inspiration for others. By being selfish about a process that allows me to change for the better...I become a more selfless individual dedicated towards the betterment of my fellow man. It becomes truly about learning how to find the balance between the positives and negatives in our lives..There's a yin and yang between selfishness and selflessness, If you were able to change the negative perceptions of the world with your words, art, intellect , talent, etc., would you not be selfish about being the best you could possible be at what it is you do? The greater understanding that you have of yourself, the greater you benefit the person next to you by gaining a greater understanding of how you are able to use your own experience, strength and hope to do so....If you are selfless for selfish reason you end up contradicting the entire meaning of being selfless.
Selflessness is defined through actions that benefit others with no intended benefit for yourself . When we find balance within ourselves, and become vital parts of our community.. we end up becoming the cogs in the gears of positive progress. I'll continue to say that human nature will always be about learning to live for each other by first learning to live with ourselves.

Today's Positive Affirmation: I will find balance within myself in order to bring balance to those around me.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Choose YOU

On 7/4/17, Kev writes and I type...

I used to ignore the man I was choosing to be, and also ignored the man I was losing...
When you drift from yourself, it gets hard to find your way back to shore. I can remember feeling like I never knew who I was or who I was supposed to be anymore..I felt like a walking contradiction....I was becoming the guy who could swat down a fly while at the same time say I would never hurt a fly. My heart had a hole I could never seem to feel...
I wanted to reset my mind. I wanted to be a different human being because I didn't know me. I felt like I was screaming inside , but no one could hear me..I didn't understand back then what it was to truly be alive...I was so caught up in trying to find someone to love, but yet I couldn't seem to choose to love myself...
It's crazy to think how I was back then and where I am now as a person. That hole I could never seem to fill was created through my own distorted perception of self...we define ourselves through the way we view ourselves. The mirror we use to do that is only a burden when we allow the outside to define who we are inside. When we learn to look past what we think the rest of the world sees as us, we will always be beautiful...
It does not matter if the rest of the world thinks you're perfect when you learn to choose YOU. What I know today is that we are all created from the same fabric, Some of us are more rough around the edges than others are...some of us have scars or imperfections, but underneath we are all the same. We laugh, we cry, we live , we die. When we truly learn to love ourselves, we end up learning how to truly live by starting to live for others...Choose YOU...

Today's Positive Affirmation: I choose to see the beauty in every person by first recognizing the beauty in myself...

Rubber Bands

On 6/25/17 Kev writes, I type...

We will always face challenges to get us where we want to be in our lives. Sometimes, the harder we push against our opposition creates even great resistance. We must always be persistent with our ambition...every challenge is like a rubber band..Our persistence will be the force that allows us to break free from its resistance. We can't allow ourselves to be defeated by opposition and must realize everything cannot happen all at once.
Persistence creates cracks in resistance. A cracked rubber band is weak and eventually breaks. It takes time, however. Nothing worth having will ever come easy. We have to fight for it and just as in a fight, what we are fighting against will always push back. It's in those moments that we cannot give up..standing your ground in the face of adversity is true strength..eventually every rubber band will break...
Our relentless determination becomes the weapon we use to defeat our challenges in life...push against the resistance that holds you back from what you want in life and don't allow your self to be pulled back into a state of defeat.
There are times the greatest resistance we face in our lives is the resistance we create for ourselves through our negative actions and thoughts...Our inability to accept ourselves can make us spiritually bankrupt and hold us down from becoming the best person we can be. When we learn to accept ourselves, we make it easier to accept life and we gain a greater understanding of our true purpose.
The toughest resistance we face is the resistance from within. When we learn to break free from the chains that hold us inside through personal acceptance , we no longer allow ourselves to be defined by outside perceptions. Our progress will then be determined through our persistent effort to change.
Success is a limitless horizon and the only thing blocking the light in our path is merely our own shadow...

Today's Positive Affirmation: The only resistance that is acceptable is the resistance to never give up!